Join Maria Bamford for her real nightly bedtime rituals!
It’s $10 but if you can’t afford it, contact for a comp code. After costs, all proceeds will go to the LA Downtown Women’s Center.
Live 60-Minute Set by Maria Bamford
Live Q&A From the Audience chat
Maria Sleeping
Approximately 10 Hour Experience
At 8 PM, Maria recites her most recent hour of stand-up. Takes questions from the audience who might need terrible help. Takes her meds, reads a book aloud and then reads silently to herself while eating graham crackers and milk. Turns off the lights and falls asleep.
Then there will be no production value beyond real sleeping, farting, getting up to go to the bathroom, and shouting out from night terrors, but Maria will be there for 9 hours (or until she wakes up) and gets a scoop of peanut butter and a diet coke for breakfast. If you still have the feed on, she will wake you up.
There will be feedback from any woken audience/sleepers in the morning where they will share what they are having for breakfast.